Dec 16, 2008

show and true



"My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip, my toes too numb to step..." (Bob Dylan)

I met with David, Mary, Joe, Washington, Jess, Armstrong, Mary, Pay-Bayee, Wolobah, Rebecca and Mekeh about a month ago. I showed them my work as an artist, they talked to me about their life and shared with me their concerns about living in Monrovia today and everyday's challenges.

I wished for this workshop to take these friends to a special place where people can talk in a different way about their life. That special place is the world of art - a world where each person can realise his own dream and make his own story. We gave them cameras and they took us places. Nobody can describe the force these new artists had in themselves : we were out and about in Monrovia every day for a couple of weeks, taking about a thousand pictures in total, some of which you can see here. Those pictures focus mainly on life but also on everyday problems. They have chosen to show us their environment, family and friends. They continued this social approach with video cameras and they interviewed each other and thus collected individual testimonies, stories, and dreams.

What was remarquable was the precision with which the groupe worked. The places they chose to take us to were very special for them and was a great opportunity me visit all of Monrovia. The sparkle of the volunteers made this time a great one, during which I concentrated on sneaking into their neighbourhoods and collecting more and more material about themselves and their ideas.

On each frame you are about to see each volunteer's story : for some it is a more personal path, for some it shows more of their community. These pictures are a combination of pictures taken by the volunteers themselves and by myself, inviting you to get a glimpse of their lives. But you will also find enlarged pictures of several places in Monrovia where these people would like to go: in some places accessibility is possible, in some other places it is somehow more complicated...

I have been watching the films and the pictures that we made during the workshop. And one cannot help but understanding that these are not random pictures but a celebration for colour and life. In front of us there are photos made by people that struggle their way through the city, but what we see is beauty and light. We see effort , but we also see friendship and bounding. These people are ready for today. They are bringing to us a personal vision of Monrovia. Look closer in the material in order to speak out for everyone, for those who want , for those who wish, for those who dream. Be the change.

I believe in you
Thank you for sharing your dreams.

Eirini Linardaki, December 1st 2008, Monrovia