Nov 16, 2008

The show is on

In France since a week now, we are working 24/7 to prepare the show "live my life" that will take place at the City hall of Monrovia from December the 3d  to the 5th in celebration of the International day for persons with disabilities. 

We have been watching the film and the pictures that all the volunteers have made during the workshop. 

And one cannot help understanding that this is not just some random pictures  but a celebration for colour and life. In front of us there are photos made by people that struggle their way through the city, but what we see is beauty and light. We see effort but also friendship and connections. 

We will be looking closer in the material in order to speak out for everyone. For those who wan't and can't, for those who wish, for those who dream.

Eirini Linardaki / Vincent Parisot, 
November 17th 2008